Seaford Lane Picnic Place
About the picnic place
Picture yourself standing on a small footbridge listening to the bubbling water. Let your eyes follow the meandering stream as it curls its way across the fields towards the Avon. You are now visiting Sea Ford Lane, where the bridge and ford span the charmingly named Piddle Brook.
Opening times
Open daily, 24 hour pedestrian and vehicular access.
Admission is Free.
Site location
Seaford Lane, WR10 2LF. Located off the B4082 between Upton Snodsbury and Pinvin. Follow the brown and white signs tourist signs. Grid Reference: 959513.
Countryside sites survey
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Accessibility information
- no parking spaces for disabled visitors
- all parking is close to picnic site and visitor information point
- the site is flat
- picnic area with wheelchair accessible tables is flat grass and suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs
Ordnance Survey Maps Explorer 204.
Site facilities
- parking
- picnic place
- on site walking
- information