
Lindridge - M-2040 - Addition of Bridleway


M-2040 - Addition of Bridleway

Date of application

24 July 2013

Priority Score





Malvern Hills

Description of application

To add a Bridleway to the Definitive Map in the Parish of Lindridge, along a track/driveway for 522 metres between a point on the Worcs/Shrop border and A456. This links to an associated DMMO application in Shropshire.

Ordnance survey grid reference

Worcs/ Shrop Border OSGR: 66190 70258 to track's junction with the A458 at OSGR 66319 69791.


Mrs Nino Binns (on behalf of the British Horse Society), 38 Corve Street, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 1GE

Address of any property on which the public right of way or proposed way lies (Must Include postcode)

Owner of driveway not known


Application not determined

Date and nature of determination

Application not determined

Details as to whether the order was confirmed (with or without modifications) or Appeals where the Order was not made in accordance with Schedules 14 and 15 of the 1981 Act

Application not determined

Application Documents