
R313 - Snowshill and Broadway


Snowshill and Broadway - R313

Name and Address of Applicant

Mr Nigel John Tabor and Annette Maria Gorton, of Lybrook Farm and Mill Hay, Showshill Road, Broadway, WR12 7JS

Date Statement Received by the authority

04 August 2022

Link to Statement
Date Declaration Received by the authority

05 August 2022

Link to Declaration
Elapse Date

05 August 2042

Description of the Land

Land Lying on the East Side of Snowshill Road, Broadway, WR12 7JS - Land Registry Title WR93295 Lybrook Farm Cottage, Snowshill Road, Broadway, WR12 7JS - Land Registry Title WR166054 Lybrook Farm, Snowshill Road, Broadway, WR12 7JS - Land Registry Title WR71026 Land Lying to the west of Broadway Tower, Middle Hill, Broadway, wR12 7LB - Land Registry Title WE179869 Battenhangers, Broadway - Land Registry Title WR42921