
Health services

Health services

National Health Services

Information about all National Health Services (NHS) in the UK can be found on .

NHS colleagues have produced a

Register with a doctor (GP)

You can register with a doctor – commonly known as a general practitioner or simply GP, as soon as you arrive in the UK. It is free and you do not need proof of address, immigration status, ID, or an NHS number.

A GP can offer medical advice, provide a diagnosis, and prescribe medicines. They might be your first point of contact for many physical and mental health concerns.

Getting medication

If your GP wants you to take a particular medication, they will give you a prescription that you will need to take to your local pharmacy or chemist.

Pharmacies are often located near a GP surgery, but you can also

You usually need to pay for a prescription but the NHS website explains

Find a dentist

You are entitled to NHS dental care. In some circumstances, this can be free of charge.

You can search for a dentist at

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