
Emerging Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document

Emerging Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document

香港六合彩资料图库 County Council's adopted Minerals Local Plan commits to the preparation of a separate Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). Once completed the DPD will allocate specific sites and preferred areas for mineral development to support the delivery of the 香港六合彩资料图库 Minerals Local Plan and provide greater certainty about where mineral development will take place. It will be used alongside the Minerals Local Plan to determine planning applications.

Sites promoted by landowners and mineral operators in response to calls for site are shown for information in the . Please note, no decisions have yet been made about which sites should or should not be proposed for allocation. 

Delay to the preparation of the Mineral Site Allocations DPD

Development of the Mineral Site Allocations DPD has been delayed due to uncertainty about changes to national planning policy and legislation for developing planning policy documents. 

A public consultation on the 鈥淧referred Options鈥 draft of the Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document had been due to take place in Autumn 2023. The Council has decided to delay this consultation until there is clarity about changes to the wider plan-making system.

For further information, see a statement, published 8 September 2023, and accompanying 鈥渇requently asked questions鈥.

Previous consultations

Calls for sites

At earlier stages of developing the Minerals Local Plan (MLP), we sought to allocate sites within the MLP itself, meaning that a separate Mineral Site Allocations DPD was not originally envisaged. We undertook four formal calls for sites between 2014 and 2018, resulting in a total of 37 sites being submitted for consideration as allocations. 

However, the Local Development Scheme was revised in July 2018, and this committed to preparing a separate Mineral Site Allocations DPD so that the strategic elements of the MLP could be progressed as quickly as possible to provide certainty over the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and development management policies, whilst also building in flexibility for Mineral Site Allocations to be reviewed and revised if necessary without affecting the strategic policies set out in the MLP.  

A further 鈥楥all for Sites鈥 ran from 16 January 2020 until 13 March 2020. This call for sites was an opportunity to promote potential sites for mineral extraction, processing or supporting infrastructure for consideration in the preparation of the Minerals Site Allocations DPD. The Council has published a summary of the responses to this consultation (PDF) .

Consultation on proposed methodology

Consultation on the proposed mineral site selection methodology ran from 17 December 2018 to 8 February 2019. 

We wanted to know whether you agreed with the proposed methodology for identifying specific sites and preferred areas which was set out in the background document "Location of development: screening and site selection methodology (August 2018)".

The proposed methodology considered the viability of sites and applied a proportionate approach to protecting the hierarchy of international, national and local designations and sensitive receptors. 

The consultation included an open day at The Hive, Worcester, on Monday 21January 2019, which was intended for residents, Parish Councils and other interested parties to drop in and ask us any questions about the consultation. The proposed methodology was also made available to view at County Hall reception (Spetchley Road, Worcester) and at all public libraries in 香港六合彩资料图库 during the consultation period.

The methodology will be updated following the comments received in response to this consultation and changes to national policy.

Sustainability appraisal 

The Mineral Site Allocations DPD will be accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) that will consider the potential economic, social, and environmental effects of the DPD. It will inform the DPD by helping to maximise its benefits and avoid or minimise potential adverse effects. An SA Scoping Report, the first stage of the SA process, sets the framework against which the DPD will be appraised.

Consultation on the SA Scoping Report took place from 28 June 2021 to 9 August 2021. 

Next steps

香港六合彩资料图库 County Council is delaying the development of its Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document due to uncertainties about changes to national policy and legislation. For further information, see a statement, published 8 September 2023, and accompanying 鈥渇requently asked questions鈥 .

The Council will publish further updates on its website once there is greater clarity on the proposed changes and legislation.

Background documents, assessments and appraisals

The background documents, appraisals and assessments prepared specifically for the Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) will be available below once they are published. Some of the background documents that informed the Minerals Local Plan (MLP) are also being used to inform the emerging DPD. The MLP background documents are available at the Preparation of the Minerals Local Plan: Background documents, assessments and appraisals page.

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