
Science Club

Science Club

Monthly every second Saturday


Malvern library

38 Graham Road
WR14 2HL
United Kingdom


01905 822722

Free of charge

Science Club (in association with the IOP (Institute of Physics):  we run a monthly Science club for our younger readers.  Join us for fun challenges and discoveries, we explore a new science subject every month.

Suitable for children between ages 7-13 (years 3-8) are welcome. Sessions are on the 2nd Saturday of each month, from 1.30-2.30 and 2.30-3.30. 

There are limited spaces so we strongly recommend reserving a place by emailing iopmalvern@gmail.com  There is usually space for the 2.30 session. 

Please email iopmalvern@gmail.com if you would like to be added to our mailing list

Malvern library

52.113056423211, -2.3267170786858