12-05-2023 - 12-07-2023

Innovation and infrastructure developments supporting the future of unmanned aviation

DRONE ENABLE 2023, ICAO’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems Industry Symposium will be held from 5 to 7 December 2023 in Montréal, Canada. The theme of DRONE ENABLE 2023 is Innovation and infrastructure developments supporting the future of unmanned aviation”.

The symposium will bring together key stakeholders from industry, academia, government and international organizations in the unmanned aviation sector to exchange research, best practices, lessons learned and respective challenges. Attention will be given to ongoing ICAO activities such as unmanned aircraft systems traffic management (UTM), communication, navigation, surveillance (CNS) and spectrum, as well as advanced air mobility (AAM), which need to be addressed collectively in order to facilitate unmanned aircraft integration into the global aviation system.