
The redevelopment of Redditch Railway Station

The redevelopment of Redditch Railway Station

Redditch Railway Station is located on Unicorn Hill in Redditch Town Centre. It is the final destination on the Cross-City railway line from Birmingham. 

Redditch Railway Station is located on Unicorn Hill in Redditch Town Centre. It is the final destination on the Cross-City railway line from Birmingham. 

The plans for the redevelopment of Redditch Railway Station shown on the site map and include:  

  • the construction of a new two storey accessible station building with modern, fit for purpose facilities including ticket office, passenger waiting areas, toilets and retail unit providing increased capacity for passengers.   
  • the creation of a new landscaped public space in front of the station.  
  • improved access and accessibility for all users  
  • an upgraded crossing over Unicorn Hill providing access to the existing bus interchange, the Kingfisher Centre and Redditch town centre.    
  • new improved cycleways on Unicorn Hill and cycle storage facilities at the station  
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