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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 DTj%[2 Heading 2G Heading 2 DTj%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 DTj%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 DTj% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal 8Noteb Note   9OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???:$Percent ;Title1Title DTj% <TotalMTotal %[[= Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16` GInput~bGuidance,8 % Do-Minimum/Number of PT passenger trips on affected routesScenarioWeekday AM Peak Hr PM Peak Hr Inter-Peak Hr%Highway peak period conversion factor PT peak period conversion factorUnitvehicles vehicle-hours vehicle-kmpassenger trips passenger-hrs- Number of highway trips affectedTotal vehicle travelled time Total vehicle travelled distanceTotal PT travelled time Do-Something'Input Data / Key Performance IndicatorsYear of assessment_Scheme Impact Pro Forma for Small Project Bids - Please fill in the cells highlighted in yellowNotes:w1) The scheme assessment year should be as close as possible to the scheme opening year (and not final forecast year).2) A base or forecast year model could be used for the assessment of the scheme. This depends on the age of base year model and the availability of a forecast year model for the scheme opening year.3) To enable an assessment of travel time savings, at the very least, the vehicle (and/or passenger)-hours and vehicle (and/or passenger)-km rows in the Scheme Impact Pro-forma (for at least some time periods) should be filled in for both the Do-minimum and Do-something.4) Highway and PT trip demand, travelled time and distance matrices should be obtained from the Area of Influence (which may be a set of selected links or cordoned network). Matrix calculation is required by multiplying OD trip demand matrix and time/distance matrix in order to calculate the highway and PT total travelled time/distance. The PT time matrix should include generalised cost components (in-vehicle time, waiting time etc.)6) Highway and/or Public Transport period conversion factors need to be derived from local data and be provided in the Scheme Impact Pro-forma.\5) It is expected that the assessment should have been carried out on a fixed trip matrix basis. We therefore expect the number of trips affected in the Do-minimum and Do-something as reported to be the same (or similar e.g. within +/- 5%). If this is not the case a more appropriate reanalysis may be required and/or some supporting explanation.I7) Evidence should be provided of the validation of any model used  focussed on the key area of impact (including information on data used etc). If no model has been used then details of the data used and details/source of any assumptions (e.g. about changes in journey between Do-minimum and Do-something) should be provided.8) If the scheme has significant impacts on cycling and walking, additional evidence should be provided to support the economic case.NPIFScheme 1: St Johns Junction Scheme 2: Dolday Gyratory Scheme 4: A44 *. 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