Industry visits or opening doors events
A keyway to engage young people in careers is through employers who can offer the opportunity of opening their doors to students.
Industry visits mean a business prepares for a group of students (usually around 20 but numbers are negotiable) to visit employer premises and find out about that industry, the different job roles, the qualification requirements for entry as well as career progressions and what the employer expectations are.
A visit to an employer should be an informative, positive experience and should motivate the students to want to reflect on their own skills, gain greater understanding of industries they are interested in and support them to make more informed choices.
Workplace visits can be a useful alternative and achieve many of the same outcomes as work experience.
What can employers gain through hosting a workplace visit?
- PR Opportunities (Press & Social Media)
- brand Awareness
- provide an opportunity for your employees to get involved with community engagement
- promoting your business and industry to your future workforce
- opportunity for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
For Redditch, Bromsgrove and Wyre Forest Districts there is an established Opening Doors to Business Programme brochure that employers can be listed in as offering workplace visits.
Top Tips for Delivery
- work with the school prior to the visit taking place in order to produce a meaningful lesson plan which can be shared with others as a model of best practice. Link the visit to a piece of curriculum work which can take place both before and after the visit
- ensure you demonstrate as widely as possible the many different job roles and departments within your organisation and the range of entry routes which are potentially available to students
- allow opportunities for students to speak to staff members at all grades including those recent entrants who they can gain insights from