Retail, Sales and Customer Service - Shop/Sales Assistant
Retail, Sales and Customer Service - Shop/Sales Assistant
Shop/sales assistants sell products to customers and help customers. The assistant asks the customer what they are looking for and shows them things they could try or buy. They also give them ideas for other things to buy. shop assistants keep the shop tidy. Products need to be where customers can find them and stock needs to be replaced.
- Serve and advise customers
- Unpack and sort new stock deliveries
- Arrange goods in displays and on shelves
- Rotate and replace stock
- Promote products
- Take cash and card payments and make sure the till balances
- Deal with customers wishing to return items, refund payments and log details manually or electronically
- Keep the store clean and tidy
Some shops are very quiet, calm places to work. Others are noisy and lively. At Christmas and during the sales, they may be very busy. Many shops are in towns and cities. Others are in out-of-town shopping centres.
Shop assistants generally work between 35 and 40 hours a week if they are employed full-time. A lot of jobs offer part-time work only.
Starting salary: 拢13,000
There are no set qualifications for entry. Some employers will want you to have some GCSEs, particularly maths and English, some will be more flexible. You could also apply for an apprenticeship. If you have an EHCP you may be able to apply under the DfE exemption which allows the apprentice to use Entry level 3 English and Maths qualifications.
The apprentice would have to be component enough to successfully achieve all other aspects of the apprenticeship requirements, become occupationally competent and achieve Entry Level 3 in English and Maths before the end of their apprenticeship