Early Years training
A range of training available to support early years settings as well as schools who provide early years support to children aged 0 to 4 years.
Early Years training and CPD
The Early Years team at the Council offer a range of training to support early years settings as well as schools who provide early years support to children aged 0 to 4 years. Find the Early Years Training Directory and information about our CPD booking system.
Early Years webcasts
The Early Years Team have developed a range of webcasts that can be accessed for your whole setting (only one license needs to be purchased). These can be booked like a normal training course and you will receive a confirmation email with links to watch the webcast. You can access the webcast as many times as required – there is no limit. Find details of the webcasts below and links to book.
Preparing for your Early Years Ofsted Inspection
Whether this is your first experience of inspection, or you have experienced inspections before, this webcast will refresh your understanding of what to expect and give you and your team the confidence to showcase what you do every day for children and families.
Building an effective Early Years curriculum
This 90-minute webcast is designed to watch with your teams as we break down the elements of what forms a good curriculum. For early years settings due inspection, this can be a great reflective tool to ensure you can articulate your settings curriculum during inspection.
Digital technology in the Early Years
Consider research, policy, and statistics about the digital world and what this means for children, families and education. We can’t promise you all the answers, but a deep dive into this complex subject so we are better able to embrace digital technology as a tool to support learning and an opportunity to teach children to keep themselves safe.
Planning an effective learning walk
The learning walk can sometimes cause unwanted stress and anxiety for early years leaders as they prepare for inspection. This 55-minute webcast walks you through how to tell the unique story of your setting in a meaningful and effective way.
Relating safeguarding themes to the Early Years
This 55-minute webcast has been produced in response to recent Ofsted inspection themes where educators have been unable to articulate effectively how some safeguarding themes relate to early years. We consider safeguarding themes: PREVENT, FGM, County Lines and Domestic Abuse through the early year’s lens – focusing on what we can do as early years educators to safeguard children and families.
Supporting behaviour through positive communication
The requirement to ‘manage children’s behaviour’ can be argued as not conductive to raising confident, emotionally resilient children. It denotes an image of containing behaviours, of fighting fire rather than looking for the cause. It is therefore time to reframe our thinking, to move away from an authoritative stance and embrace behaviour as an opportunity to teach and empower children to learn through experience.
Free Safeguarding related webcasts
Low level concerns
Join me to explore how adopting low level concerns into your safeguarding practice can help to build a safeguarding culture to be proud of:
Early help in the Early Years
Find informative webcasts to help early years professionals reflect on current practice and better understand their role in delivering early help to children and families.
Early Years Safeguarding in-house training
Level 2 Early years Safeguarding training
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility, and the early years and childcare team are delighted to offer face to face, in house training on a date and time to suit your and your staff.
This 2.5 hour course is designed to bring teams together to reflect on current practice and remind ourselves of our safeguarding duties.
To support delegates and settings, this in house course does not use a formal presentation. We instead use a mixture of professional discussion and practical activities to explore how we can meet the requirements of the EYFS through the following topics:
- our responsibilities to Safeguard Children
- raising our awareness of Safeguarding threats
- recognising the signs and symptoms of abuse
- consider contextualised safeguarding
- understand how to handle a disclosure of abuse
Cost: £300 + VAT for a maximum of 25 staff
Settings can choose to share their in house course with another local setting. If they do this then the responsibility to charge the other attending setting lies with the setting hosting the training
How an in-house training course is organised:
- arrange a date and time which has been agreed with your trainer.
- the training team will organise a contract to secure the work
- once the contract is signed and invoice is requested or course is loaded into CPD
- on receipt of the returned register by the trainer CPD will be updated to reflect who attended and certificates issued
Contact workforcesupport@worcestershire.gov.uk to discuss details.
Need more support?
If you are an early years professional looking for support from the Early Years Team, you can complete a self-referral form. The form will allow the team to better understand your needs and how they can help – such as through webcasts, training, or a bespoke face-to-face package of support.