
How to take part in the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme

How to take part in the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme

Information and eligibility requirements for children applying to the HAF programme.

Have you registered?

If you did not register at Easter, you will need to register and be approved.

Already registered for an account?

Children with benefits related Free School Meal (FSM):

  1. read through all the information in the drop-down box below titled "Benefits related Free School Meal children" to check that your child is eligible to access HAF activities
  2. click ‘Sign Up Here’ on the link below and follow the steps to sign up or log in to your account
  3. add your child’s profile to start the verification process
  4. once your child’s FSM status has been verified you can then search and book instant places from the list of providers

Non-FSM children:

  1. read through all the information in the drop-down box below titled "Non-FSM children" to check that you are eligible to access HAF activities and fit the non-FSM criteria
  2. for non-FSM children a referral will need to be made from a professional, who knows your family circumstances well, to prove your eligibility (you will need to gain permission from the professional who referred you about putting their name as referee)
  3. once you have received your child's referral you can click ‘Sign Up Here’ on the link below and follow the steps to sign up or log in to your account
  4. add the child’s information to the sign up form
  5. to list your reference, click under ‘add child > I have a referral (your referee will then be contacted in order to verify the place)
  6. request activity places for your child
  7. your request will be reviewed by providers as there are very limited places for non-FSM children (you will be notified when your place is accepted or not accepted)

Eligibility for:

Benefits related Free School Meal children

If your child receives a benefits-related Free School Meal (FSM) then you can register for your child to take part in the Holidays Activities and Food (HAF) programme. All sign ups are subject to verification checks. .

Non-FSM children

In line with Department for Education guidelines, the HAF Programme is primarily for children in receipt of benefits related Free School Meals. Some providers have a limited number of places available for non-FSM children who would otherwise be considered vulnerable however these places are not guaranteed and must be requested with providers to review and accept, where activity clubs are fully booked by FSM eligible children, there will not be any additional spaces for non-FSM eligible participants.

For more information around activities for non-FSM eligible children with SEND, please visit the Short Breaks information page.

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