
Wider Determinants of Health JSNA Publications

Wider Determinants of Health JSNA Publications

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The wider determinants of health, also known as social determinants of health, are a diverse range of social, economic and environmental factors which impact on people’s health. They determine the extent to which different individuals have the physical, social and personal resources to identify and achieve goals, meet their needs and deal with changes to their circumstances. Variation in the experience of wider determinants (i.e. social inequalities) is considered the fundamental cause (the ‘causes of the causes’) of health inequalities, and as such health inequalities are likely to persist through changes in disease patterns and behavioural risks so long as social inequalities persist. Addressing the wider determinants of health has a key role to play in reducing health inequalities. A range of data and information is available in this section helping you to find evidence for planning and commissioning.


Needs Assessments


If you want copies of any archive reports prior to 2018 please contact hwbadmin@worcestershire.gov.uk

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